The world is facing enormous challenges nowadays caused by COVID-19. To support the global understanding of consequences of these challenges on persons with disabilities, this Initiative seeks to gather information (i) on the experiences of persons with disabilities, and (ii) on how States are responding to states of emergency situations in relation to this specific population.
“Fear of not knowing how to keep the social distance” Continue Reading”
“Persons with mental health challenges in institutions have not got enough info about COVID-19 especially social distancing.” Continue Reading”
“I have never been so discriminated against and have never been so less autonomous. This discrimination can be seen in… Continue Reading”
“Locked down without any assistance of financial help.” Continue Reading”
“[In institutions for older persons with disabilities] there is not enough PPE, people are not properly isolated and staff is… Continue Reading”
"The City of Brno has set aside 2 places, intended for the possibility of quarantining people living on the street… Continue Reading”
In mid-2020, over the span of nearly four months, 2,152 respondents from 134 countries took the time to raise their voices to share their lives in the midst of a… Read More
In its final report, the COVID-19 Disability Rights Monitor (DRM) Coordinating Group calls for urgent action by States and the international community to halt the catastrophic failure to protect the… Read More
October 22nd, 15:00 – 17:00 CEST (Geneva time) 9:00 – 11:00 EST (New York time) Click here to register: Read More
It is with grave concern that the COVID-19 Disability Rights Monitor (DRM) calls on governments to take immediate emergency measures to ensure that persons with disabilities have access to food… Read More
At the opening of the 23rd session of the CRPD Committee, on 17 August 2020, Validity’s Co-Executive Director, Steven Allen spoke on behalf of the COVID-19 Disability Rights Monitor Coordinating… Read More
The COVID-19 Disability Rights Monitor Coordinating Group express their alarm about increasing police violence against persons with disabilities in the context of the pandemic, and are calling on governments around… Read More
The COVID-19 pandemic is brewing a perfect storm that could facilitate violations for many people with disabilities who are subject to harmful practices; in particular, those with mystified or relatively rare conditions such as persons with albinism. Their situation, already… Continue Reading