
“The cessation of various physical therapies required will result in greatly increased pain and loss of function.”

Female with disabilities


“[In institutions for older persons with disabilities] there is not enough PPE, people are not properly isolated and staff is getting sick.”

Female with disabilities


“There are still care workers working in multiple sites which put people living in institutions at risk.”

Organisation of Persons with Disabilities


"People with disabilities will die both in hospital of at home because they either cannot access services or because the hospital staff are stretched thin and don't have time to meet their care needs, or because the system doesn't see the value in their life and prioritize the care of others above their own."

Female with disabilities


"The government of Nova Scotia refuses to consider that there is any issue with care in the community and ignores any examples to the contrary. We have people in our community dying of neglect but the province will not accept the fact that thier deaths are related to covid b/c their care was terminated due to covid-19."

Female with disabilities


"In one long term care home close to me the gov. called in help from the larger health community after more than 100 tenants and 50 staff became ill. When staff from the hospital arrived and spoke to their union about the deplorable conditions the Dr in charge accused the union of fear mongering. This was more than a month after we expressed the same concerns about hone care through this facility and were bullied and attacked for asking for help."

Female with disabilities


"Even if someone were to complain their identity would not be protected and they would face consequences for their complaint. I, personally would not feel safe complaining during the pandemic for fear of having all my services cancelled and having to survive on my own."

Female with disabilities


"Information provided is all from an able bodied perspective and ignores the disability experience."

Female with disabilities


"I hear of many seniors and people living with developmental disabilities who still seem confused and the staff do not have the time to explain the situation so they simply remain confused."

Female with disabilities


"Many persons with disabilities thrive on routine, being out in the public, meeting with family and friends. Many people with disabilities are unable to understand what is currently occurring with Covid 19 and struggling to manage day to day. I personally have a fourteen year old daughter who has an intellectual disability and she is dealing with behavioural outbursts that we have not witnessed before. We hVe reaches out to our local children hospital over a week ago for solutions without response."

Family member of a person with disabilities